"Is she trying to seduce someone dressed like that?"
"With such a great figure, she must have many admirers, right?"
How many girls have faced criticism and judgment from others because of their good physique or fashion choices? Guan Tingna is one of them.

As the consciousness of modern women awakens, they are increasingly willing to wear the clothes they like and showcase their photos on social media, highlighting their good figures. However, there are still countless obscene and offensive comments targeting women.

"I was born naked; the abnormality lies with you."
When will the public stop speculating maliciously about women and showing disrespect? Guan Tingna, with her outstanding physique, has done nothing wrong.

Guan Tingna's Rise Based on Her Figure?
Guan Tingna studied film and makeup artistry, not acting. So, how did she enter the entertainment industry? It was her remarkable physique that helped her.

While working as a makeup artist on the set of "Ma Dashuai," the production team happened to need a female actress with an exceptional appearance and good physique. Guan Tingna was spotted by the director at the time, Zhao Benshan. Fortunately, she became a temporary actress, all thanks to her external attributes.

Later, at Zhao Benshan's invitation, Guan Tingna became a member of Zhao's team and learned how to act under his guidance. After witnessing her talent and ability in acting, Zhao Benshan cast her in three seasons of "Ma Dashuai," allowing her to make her mark in the entertainment industry.

At the age of fifty, Zhao Benshan invited the 27-year-old Guan Tingna to play his wife in "Rural Love Story," despite the significant age difference. However, Guan Tingna didn't back down. She seized every opportunity, and after the show aired, it received tremendous acclaim, with netizens saying they were a perfect match. The "big" adjective became associated with her due to a scene where she was wrapped in a towel, showcasing her remarkable figure.

Netizens began digging into Guan Tingna's past, but the comment sections became increasingly chaotic. Rumors started spreading, falsely claiming that she had risen through improper means with Zhao Benshan's involvement. Some even attacked her physique, saying, "With such a great figure, no wonder Zhao Benshan took an interest."

Rumors and gossip multiplied, even though they had no evidence. Guan Tingna found herself in a position where she had to prove her innocence against baseless accusations. Public opinion spreads too fast, turning her years of dedication to her career into nothing. So, is having a good figure and appearance a flaw for an actress?

The Impact of Good Physique on Celebrities
So, apart from Guan Tingna, how many stars have faced criticism due to their good physiques? You might have heard of the famous incident at Bao Beier's wedding where Liuyan was supposed to be a bridesmaid.

Liuyan has been controversial throughout her career, largely due to her impressive figure. However, during the wedding, something unexpected happened. Liuyan, who was supposed to be thrown into the water by the groomsmen, was saved by another bridesmaid, Jia Ling.

Women can empathize with other women, and they can also help each other.
This incident, which happened years ago, did not result in an apology from the groomsmen. Instead, online comments were full of phrases like "Liuyan deserves it." Comments about Liuyan's figure resurfaced, and she changed her fashion choices to avoid further controversy. The power of rumors forced a once cheerful and sunny girl to forever lose her freedom in dressing as she liked.

Similarly, Reba, who faced online bullying for wearing a short-collared top at the airport, was criticized. Some said, "Is it so hot that you can't wear a scarf?" Others claimed she was dressing provocatively to gain attention and sell her figure.

Recently, Gulnazar faced similar backlash. She posted photos of herself in a bikini during her vacation, and the comments were filled with insults. Just because she chose to wear a bikini by the sea, some considered it an inappropriate act, accusing her of seeking attention and selling her figure.

Xu Jiao also faced criticism when she shared pictures of herself in a swimsuit on social media. Her overly sexy poses contrasted with her previous innocent image, leading to harsh comments accusing her of being provocative and attention-seeking.

Yang Mi, known for her great figure, also faced backlash when she posted a photo showing her "comic waist." She was criticized for promoting unrealistic beauty standards, and she had to issue an apology to calm the public's anger.

All these incidents highlight how celebrities, especially female ones, are often judged based on their physique rather than their talent. In such an environment, women's clothing choices are undoubtedly influenced.

Actresses don't have control over the characters they play and the costumes they wear in movies or shows. They collaborate to create a perfect production, but once labeled with the "good figure" tag, they face a barrage of derogatory comments whenever they appear in public.

These comments overshadow their hard work and exceptional acting skills, as disrespectful individuals fail to appreciate their talent. How can these individuals know that their baseless speculations and rumors can ruin a woman's career?

In 2016, Xu Dongdong rose to fame for her role as "Big Sister" in "Yu Zui." She was seen as merely a vase, famous only for her physique. Her ample bust led to offensive comments like, "Be careful of breast cancer." However, Xu Dongdong didn't let these comments affect her. She even used them as a source of humor, displaying a resilient mindset.

Celebrities face harsh criticisms, but they must gather the strength to continue working in the public eye, regardless of external opinions. They need to have strong inner selves and the willpower to disregard public perceptions.

If celebrities face such challenges, what about ordinary people? We should empathize with others and refrain from adding to the negativity with hurtful comments.

When it comes to disrespecting women through words and seeking attention online, we can't silence these individuals. However, we must not let their words make us doubt ourselves.

We are all independent individuals with the power to pursue and realize our own value. Beyond clothing choices, we can strive in our own ways, take responsibility for our choices, and disregard others' opinions.
Respecting others is a fundamental moral principle. We should not let this toxic online culture persist. Society's malice towards women is vast, and we must not contribute to this atmosphere of negativity.
In conclusion, let's embrace clothing freedom while bearing the weight of society's judgment. As we push for change, remember that we have the power to challenge norms and promote a more inclusive and respectful society.
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